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Customized Giving And Special Projects

Design and Execution of Customized Social Projects 

HelpArgentina offers personalized services to donors who want to support projects designed to meet a specific charitable objective.

Design of Customized Projects: HelpArgentina can identify or design a project based on the specific goals and interests of each donor, variables considered include: Social Issue (education, health, etc.); Geographic Area (region, province) and Budget (amount of investment).

Monitoring and Reporting: HelpArgentina monitors the project through to completion and presents Progress Reports to the donors. HelpArgentina is also responsible for financial management.  Once the project is completed, HA will present a Final Report with all relevant information related to the project (Activities Completes, Executed Budget, Testimony of Beneficiaries and Photographs).

Tax Benefits: Donors who are United States residents are eligible for tax deductions.

Fundraising Campaigns and Pooling of Donations: To support fundraising, HelpArgentina will create a specific link at www.helpargentina.org for the project so that friends and acquaintances of the donor can join the effort to make the project a reality.