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Organizations you can support

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  • 180 Foundation

    180 Foundation

    Convinced that formal and informal education is the fundamental pillar for building change, we aim for a country and a society that are more just and inclusive, through the joint participation and commitment of the public and private sectors.

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  • A.C.S.O  --- Argentinian Club Service Organization

    A.C.S.O --- Argentinian Club Service Organization

    ACAS is a non profit organization which builds schools in the border areas of Argentina and, also, supports them with permanent assistance in the form of scholarships, donations and health promotion campaigns. Thus, the 25 clubs which integrate ACAS organize differente types of charity actions in their respective communities ...

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  • Academia Nacional de Medicina

    Academia Nacional de Medicina

    The National Accademy of Medicine is a non profit institution whose autonomy is very important since it gives the opportunity to work and do research uninterruptedly remaining outside the vicissitudes of politics, governmental influences and personal interests, focusing only to scientific research.

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    For 17 years we have been working to combat and prevent child malnutrition through the CONIN methodology, adding stimulation based on Montessori pedagogy and human promotion for social inclusion in the neighbourhoods of Las Flores (Vicente López), La Cava and Villa Uruguay (San Isidro). Our vision is an Argentina with equ...

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  • ADC - Asociación por los Derechos Civiles

    ADC - Asociación por los Derechos Civiles

    The Association for Civil Rights (ADC) is a non-partisan and non- profit NGO. It was created in 1995 by a group of lawyers and according to its by-laws, it was established as a non-profit civil entity and domiciled in the City of Buenos Aires.

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  • AFULIC - Amigos de la Fundación Leloir y otras instituciones para la Investigación contra el Cáncer

    AFULIC - Amigos de la Fundación Leloir y otras instituciones para la Investigación contra el Cáncer

    To raise money to financially support the Argentine scientists of the Molecular and Cellular Therapy Laboratory of the Leloir Institute (Bs. As.) In the development of therapeutic vaccines to treat different types of cancer.

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  • Alegría Intensiva. Hospital Clowns

    Alegría Intensiva. Hospital Clowns

    Alegría Intensiva seeks to improve the hospital experience of children, teenagers, their parents and health personnel through art.

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  • ALPI - Asociación para la Lucha Contra la Parálisis Infantil

    ALPI - Asociación para la Lucha Contra la Parálisis Infantil

    ​ALPI provides rehabilitation, recovery and reintegration into society for people with disabilities, related to motor skills.

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  • Amijai Asociación Civil

    Amijai Asociación Civil

    Amijai is a Center for Jewish Spirituality and Culture where the values of the Israeli tradition are promoted from a liberal perspective, where the concept of caring for the body and soul is combined with a plural, modern and spiritual vision.

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  • APAER - Asociación Civil Padrinos de Alumnos y Escuelas Rurales

    APAER - Asociación Civil Padrinos de Alumnos y Escuelas Rurales

    We aim to assist the children in public grade schools in the rural areas of our country to finish their primary school (stratified in three levels today), helping them prepare for future vocational training that would allow them to remain in their own environments, avoiding uprooting. We operate a system of sponsorship that ass...

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