Fundación Rumbos
We are inviting those interested in working on concrete housing problems, in learning about the obstacles that need to be addressed, and in coming up with strategies to surmount them. We are currently training our first volunteers.
We strive to help people with disabilities live fuller lives. We are an interdisciplinary team of professionals with and without disabilities that: diagnoses problems of accessibility; designs solutions; works hard to implement them; practices what it preaches; advocates that national and city governments implement good legislation that is in force.
Principles in Action Program
Raise public awareness and support our cause
Accessibility in schools of architecture
In addition to classes we regularly teach at different schools of the University of Buenos Aires (Architecture and Urbanism; Law; Philosophy and Humanities) and at the National University of La Plata, Rumbos has been invited by the School of Arts and Architecture of the University of el Salvador (USAL) to:
Design a strategy to comprehensively include physical accessibility contents in the undergraduate, graduate and research programs, as well as in the university’s community outreach program.
Undergraduate and graduate programs: Under the umbrella of an Agreement of Collaboration signed by USAL and Rumbos, architect Cecilia González Campo has joined USAL’s faculty to include contents in the undergraduate syllabus, and architect Silvia Coriat has been called upon to head a graduate specialization on Physical Accessibility for an Inclusive Habitat.
University community outreach program: In May 2016, we will help conduct two workshops at National Park Lihue Calel in the Province of La Pampa: “Accessibility in protected natural areas. Holistic experience in accessing a cultural resource”: an exchange among teachers/researchers.
Address: Av. Cabildo 2720 5 D
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Telephone: 5411 4706-2769