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Fundación IAN
Fundación IAN

Fundación IAN

Our challenge is to get involved to improve the quality of life for people with motor and neurological diseases and their families and mobilize society to make it truly inclusive.


"Educational program"

Through this program we seek to improve the educational conditions of different schools and regions of the country. To achieve this, we carry out a series of activities, among which we can highlight: scholarships for students, training for directors, improvement of infrastructure and equipment, educational trips, visits to museums, etc.

Workshops "Include in Inclusion"

Objective: The workshops arise from the need of the Ian Foundation to combat the lack of information and knowledge that often lead to bullying and isolation of people with disabilities.

Description: In the workshops concrete tools are provided so that the children acquire security at the time of including, they are designed so that, through the LIVING, LEARNING, REFLECTION and COMMITMENT they become AMBASSADORS of the INCLUSION.

Target population: Early childhood, secondary.

Location: Buenos Aires.

"Extraordinary Mothers Program"

Objective: From our Extraordinary Mothers program we seek to empower, accompany and inspire those mothers who have not yet found that inner strength to get up after the diagnosis of their child.

Description: Those women who have left everything and abandon themselves day by day not yet finding the tools to be reborn with more strength and find the fullness that allows them to enjoy and in turn shape the circle of contention of their children.

Target population: Mothers.

Location: Buenos Aires.


Objective: Fundación ian presented the bill on accessibility of information and communication for people with disabilities.

Description: This initiative seeks that those affected by their ability to speak or communicate with a computer through their hands, can do so through the eyes with the Tobii method. That is why we consider the actions of the Legislature to be fundamental.

Target population: Those people who can not communicate in a traditional way.

Location: Buenos Aires.

Address: Del Pino Virrey 2269
Buenos Aires
Phone: 11-5843-0301

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  • Workshops


    Educating in values is an essential tool for the development of our children as committed citizens that add value and leave a mark in the activities they undertake. Providing tools from the workshops is a way to open doors to a new look where inclusion is the protagonist.

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