FUNDALEU – Fundación para Combatir la Leucemia
FUNDALEU, for more than 64 years, has been supporting research and helping to increase the curability rates of oncohematological diseases throughout our country and obtaining similar results to those of more developed countries.
MISSION: Serving the community in the research, diagnosis and treatment of patients with oncohematological diseases.
-Treatment of patients with oncohematological diseases
-Teaching and training of new medical doctors
-Clinical Research
-Acquisition of new equipment
-Improvement of our 3 buildings for the benefit of our patients
-Help patients without resources and without medical coverage
-Treatment of Patients with oncohematological diseases
-Autologous, Allogeneic and HaploidenticTransplants
-Clinical research
-Teaching and training of new medical doctors
*Target population: Patients with oncohematological diseases.
*Where takes place: FUNDALEU - Buenos Aires - Argentina.
Address: Uriburu 1520 - Buenos Aires - Argentina
Phone: +5411 4877-1046