Fundación Varkey Argentina
The foundation's main focuses are improving global teacher capacity by training tens of thousands of teachers and principals in developing countries; providing access to education via a variety of programmes and projects.
MISSION: We believe in a quality education for every child. We work to build the capacity and status of teachers to ensure that the quality of teaching is enhanced, and outcomes will improve.
*Programa de Liderazgo e Innovación Educativa (PLIE)
-Objective: It consists of an intensive training instance for directors and teachers to strengthen their leadership through innovation, assertive communication and the use of technologies.
-Description: It is a program aimed at school principals of all levels and is based on pedagogical leadership, distributed and in context.
-Target population: Principals and school teachers.
-Where takes place: LATAM.
Address: Marcelo T de Alvear 636 piso 11 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Phone: +54 9 1140290908.