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Canales Asociación Civil
Canales Asociación Civil

Canales Asociación Civil

Canales designs innovative educational projects to give deaf children and adolescents the opportunity to learn and develop their maximum potential through sign language.

MISSION: To enable deaf children and teenagers to have access to quality education that respects their culture and recognizes sign language as their natural language.


*Access to Quality Education for Deaf Students
-Objective: That deaf children have the opportunity to be educated in accessible linguistic environments in which deaf and hearing teachers teach all content in sign language and where they become literate in Spanish as a second language.
-Description: We create innovative educational projects accessible to deaf students: videos with content in sign language, literature in various sign languages, bibliography for teachers, manuals for teaching Spanish as a second language, workshops in deaf schools, teacher training, sensibilization.
-Target population: Deaf girls, boys and teenagers, their teachers, their families and general educational system.
-Where takes place: The headquarter is located in the City of Buenos Aires but we work with def children, their teachers and their families throughout the Argentine territory and in countries in the region.

Address: Concepción Arenal 3932 - 1er Piso - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Phone: 011-5501-0306

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