Futuros Profesionales Integrar
We are a foundation formed for the purposes of promoting the integration of the young people who do not have the possibility of acceding to a university or tertiary level of educationWe developed the program Integrar Agentina
To pomote the integration of the young people who do not have the possibility of acceding to a university or tertiary level of education.
Program: Integrar Argentina
Objective: To promote the integration of the young people who do not have the possibility of acceding to a university or tertiary level of education, and personalized guidance is provided through a volunteer tutor.
Description: We grants monthly economic scholarships and personalizad guidance with a volunteer tutor to young people in situation of vulnerability, at university and tertiary levels.
Target Population: Young people with scarce economic, who are interested to study an universitary or terciary career.
Where takes place: We work in CABA, Gran Buenos Aires, Provincia de Bs. As, Cordoba, San Luis y La Pampa.
Address: Jean Jaures 1183
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Telephone: 11 4963-3194