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Cimientos is a non-profit organization which aims to promote equal educational opportunities through programs that favor high school attendance and graduation.Since 1997 we work in schools where there are children at risk of not continuing their studies, by implementing strategies focused not only in supporting the students but also in strengthening the schools they attend.


To promote equal opportunities in education through programs that encourages school inclusion and improves quality in education of children and youth from vulnerable families in Argentina.


- Improve educational access for children and youth from vulnerable families.
- Encourage permanence within the educational system for children and youth from underserved backgrounds.
- Support, promote and increase the academic standards of educational institutions.
- Conduct research projects and studies related to vulnerable children’s educational development, as well as their inclusion and permanence within the educational system.
- Promote teachers training and professional improvement.


 School Scholarship Program

This program aims to develop skills and abilities that favor school paths, helping low income students to stay and complete high school.

It provides personalized educational mentoring, financial support, as well the opportunity to sharing experiences with fellow participants.

In this way Cimientos accomplishes to keep youths at school and enable their access the resources they need to improve their development opportunities and pursue their dreams.

 Graduates Network

This Network supports young graduates in their path to the adult education and labor world.

It consists on information and experiences sharing between its participants. It provides employment and training opportunities through joint efforts with other institutions, organizations or companies. It also provides mentoring to graduates in order to ensure their participation in the various proposals given.

 School Support Program

This program seeks to encourage an improvement on the quality of education offered by schools located in vulnerable environments.

It includes mentoring for principals and teachers, financial support for the implementation of school improvement projects developed by the schools themselves, and experiences sharing and teacher training mainly through local meetings and an annual national meeting of educators.

These initiatives enrich classroom work, encourage teamwork, and reflect on teaching practice, to promote students' permanence in school.

 Alliances Program and Cimientos Network

The Alliances Program aims to expand Cimientos' developed initiatives through other civil society organizations. Cimientos accompanies their partner NGOs through a co-financed progressive autonomy model, fulfilling a tutorial role that involves training, mentoring, and monitoring. Partner organizations are in charge of the program implementation, providing their expertise and knowledge and encouraging its development locally.

Cimientos Network it's a forum of exchange, training and support to organizations that implement programs with the methodology developed by Cimientos to strengthen their work as advocates for equal educational opportunities in their influence areas

 Evaluation and Research

These programs aim to produce, deepen and spread knowledge about educational inclusion related topics, to enrich Cimientos' current work, develop inputs for new programs designing and contribute in educational policies development.

Cimientos communicates its experiences as well as the results and impact of its activities and researches, to encourage all actors involved reflecting on current educational issues.

Address: Uriburu 1175
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Telephone: 4829-8600

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  • 16 youth need your help!

    16 youth need your help!

    16 youth that want to complete secondary school need you! They are attending their last year of school and still need a scholarship to make it happen and go for the future they dream.

    How much would you like to donate in U$S?