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Fundación Casa Rafael
Fundación Casa Rafael

Fundación Casa Rafael

Betting on the transforming power of art, Casa Rafael promotes a process of resilience in some 230 children aged 4 to18 years who are exposed to psychosocial risks in a conflictive area of La Boca (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

Betting on the transforming power of art, Casa Rafael promotes a process of resilience in some 230 children aged 4 to18 years who are exposed to psychosocial risks in a conflictive area of La Boca (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Casa Rafael fosters their creativity through their initiation in various artistic disciplines according to the pedagogy of Education Through Art, combined with constant psychological and social support inspired on the Pedagogy of Presence. With its program Widening the horizon, it also offers access to a wide range of cultural and artistic events. The aim is that the children become aware of their dignity and develop their potential in such a way so as to reach full and healthy integration. All have free of charge access to all day activities and receive a solid afternoon snack. The professionals in charge have the relevant level of education and experience and are remunerated so as to secure their daily presence. Casa Rafael needs help to cover costs of material and professional support.

(1) (2) (3) http://www.casarafael.org.ar/pilares-piliers/
(4) http://www.casarafael.org.ar/ampliar-horizonte-elargir-horizon/

Activities with the children: Garibaldi 2042, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Phone: + 54 911 5335-1777

Headquarters: Carlos Calvo 378 (n° 3), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Phone: + 54 11 43621173

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  • JugArte


    For boys and girls aged 4 to 6-7, a playing place with initiation to different artistic disciplines such as visual arts, music, dancing, theatre, puppetry, mime. Use of the following: toys of all sorts, didactic material and educational games, stereo, pendrive, TV, paper, paper notebooks, paintings, pens, pencils, scissors, erasers, pencil sharpeners, dough, disguises, body paintings, etc. Two teachers.

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  • Teenagers


    A special workshop for adolescents to share personal experiences and talk about themes of their interest, co-ordinated by a psychologist. Periodical dinners, evenings at the cinema or visits to cultural places and events so as to widen their horizon and strengthen links among them. One social psychologist.

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  • Psychological support

    Psychological support

    Presence of clinical psychologists in parallel to all artistic workshops so as to ensure the prevention or settlement of conflicts and take care of those children and teenagers with special problems; also individual sessions for specific cases. Two clinical psychologists.

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  • Social work

    Social work

    Follow-up of individual cases and work with family groups, schools and relevant institutions such as the Child’s Ombusman, health centers, institutions of the Judiciary and so on. One social worker and one social psychologist.

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  • Afternoon snack

    Afternoon snack

    For most children, the evening snack tends to be the last meal of the day. Ingredients vary daily and may include: hamburgers or hot dogs with dressings, water biscuits, yogurts, cereals, fruits, sweet biscuits, long lasting liquid milk, chocolate in powder, coffee, mate cocido, fruit juices, sugar, etc.

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