Program Details
Psycho-Pedagogical Cabinet
Description: Constituting a psychological, psycho-pedagogical, and phono-audiology cabinet in Creciendo en La Cumbre's premises, to optimize the institutional and personal resources, as an aid for the teaching-learning process, working with the community of parents-teachers-pupils-directors.
This cabinet will treat the specific difficulties of each child, promoting the development of his/her potential, elaborating psycho-pedagogical- phono-audiology and environmental strategies favoring learning and group integration, in order to prevent, diagnose problems in any areas of the child's psycho-evolution development.
Monthly Professional Fees (Therapist, Psycho-pedagogue, Phono-audiologist and Social Worker): $1800 - US$ 600
Preparation of Play Box and Materials: $600 - US$ 200
Contact: Lic. Verónica Alejandra Valverde. TEL: 54-03548-452855 - 54-0351-155512817 - e-mail: [email protected]