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LA'PAI Permacultura, Naturopatia & AlimentaciĆ³n
LA'PAI Permacultura, Naturopatia & AlimentaciĆ³n

Program Details

Food Forest and Edible Garden - Regenerative Agriculture Area

Art of combining plants in a symbiotic and beneficial way, imitating the forest systems in order to regenerate the soil, produce food and fodder for the different areas of LA'PAI. Year by year (according to the seasons) we work in our edible forest. 

We need to acquire gardening tools (rotomotor, hoe, shovel, rake, pruning shears) and mainly perennial plants

We teach to read the topography of the soil, to plant, to make beneficial communities of plants, to sow, collect, save seeds and reforest productively.

- We have a program for schools specifically where we teach them where food comes from, how to plant, water and take care of plants

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