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Obra del Padre Mario Pantaleo
Obra del Padre Mario Pantaleo

Program Details

120 children believing in themselves

Each child who participates in this program receives a medical or psychological consultation, access to a school support workshop, access to a family strengthening workshop to discuss health, nutrition and relationships together, and four sports classes.

We want to help 120 children (from 6 to 12 years old) to build their present with enthusiasm and strength, in a stable, healthy and overcoming environment. 

They receive the tools for being capable of assuming responsibilities and facing the great challenges of daily life, even in a difficult environment.

They learn the importance of taking care of their own body, incorporating healthy and positive habits, increasing self-esteem and social integration.

A constant mentoring   of each girl and boy is proposed, attentive to their difficulties and potentialities during this annual journey.  Personalized accompaniment is a key aspect to achieve inclusion since it will contribute to the reduction of abandonment due to difficulties or limitations that arise

The Community area of ​​the OPM is the one who articulates the efforts between the various social actors for the development of people in three main lines of action: family, education and work. By joining this program, you help us to give continuity, renew and allow them to develop their potential.

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