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FundaciĆ³n Manos Abiertas
FundaciĆ³n Manos Abiertas

Program Details

We get closer when giving...

In Manos Abiertas we accompany and assist the neediest and most vulnerable, strengthening family ties and community networks.

1. Housing: children, the elderly and people in a street situation and helplessness

2. Health: palliative care for people with terminal illnesses in its final phase, and help with comprehensive physical and mental health

3. Education: schools and activities support, scholarships, educational programs, craft workshops and cultural.

4. Social Promotion:  accompaniment and support to communities and families marginalized by the Unemployment, emigration or extreme povert

5. Loneliness:  visit and assistance to people who are alone in different situations or in hospitals, prisons, home

6. Spirituality: free spiritual exercises and spaces for reflection and coexistence


Thank you for you Donations, you help is appreciated.


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