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Fundación Potenciar Solidario
Fundación Potenciar Solidario

Program Details

Fiorire Foundation: Expansion of Physical Space (Bathrooms and Changing Rooms)

Fiorire Foundation is a non-profit organization. We specialize in the rehabilitation and education of children

with neuromotor disabilities.

Since 2014, our main objective is to provide each child with tools to develop their abilities to the maximum,

achieve psychomotor development that allows them to move as autonomously as possible, act on their

immediate environment and communicate with others. For this purpose, it provides an educational-

therapeutic and rehabilitation space for children with neuromotor disorders, to improve their quality of life

and that of their family environment, promoting social inclusion. 

The foundation comprises three main areas:

1) Fiorire CET. is a therapeutic educational center for children with neuromotor disabilities and associated

intellectual deficit, from 4 to 14 years old. We have three work rooms, a cabinet, a SUM, a gym, 4 offices, a

pottery workshop, an integration square with adapted garden games and a large wooded park of more than

600m2. Each group of children is led by two leading health professionals. The process is aimed at more than

the result, which makes children face everyday situations from a more advantageous position. Currently 18

children attend (maximum capacity of the CET) 

2) Fiorire Rehabilitation is made up of a neuropediatric rehabilitation team dedicated to the care of babies,

children and young people with neurological and developmental disorders.

We have an interdisciplinary team of professionals with extensive experience and great human value, who will

facilitate the different learnings according to the individual possibilities of each child, helping them to grow in

all possible aspects, in their behavior, communication, motor development, integration with their peers with

the aim of improving their quality of life in the future.


Currently, the Fiorire therapeutic area serves more than sixty children with special needs and their families. 

3) Fiorire Training is dedicated to training and teaching open to health professionals, where seminars and

conferences are given on topics related to the focus of the institution from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Thanks to the support of Amigos de Fiorire, we have managed to give shape to this great dream and we are

always adding new challenges. Now we also receive the support of companies that can join in collaborating for

the Scholarship Program and we continue incorporating advanced technology to offer greater possibilities of


Since 2014 we have grown, and it was largely due to Amigos de Fiorire who joined the various proposed


Fundamental values ​​of the Fiorire Foundation.

● Personalized treatment according to the needs of each child

● The high level of specialization in neuromotor disability to treat a highly complex pathology

● The professional team of excellence

● An environment for family support and exchange among them

● The quality of the human team with high levels of sensitivity

● An architectural project integrated with nature and art


As we did from the beginning, we take care of every necessary aspect so that Fiorire continues growing with all

the strength of all those who share our vision.

It would be an honor for Fiorire Foundation to have your support. The needs are many, and just like our

children. For this reason, we always go for more challenges, to continue offering more and better tools for the

children of Fiorire and their families.

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