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Fundación Potenciar Solidario
Fundación Potenciar Solidario

Program Details

Don Arte Argentina - Educación para un futuro brillante

Education is the axis of our work with children. We are convinced that this is the best way for them to reach their maximum potential, and that is why Don Arte provides the necessary resources so that they can achieve it.

Our education program includes: tutoring sessions for elementary school and high school, after school hours, art class, photography class, and dance and movement class. Added to the offer for adults: completion of primary school and sewing class.

Why is a project of this type important? A school support project in contexts of social vulnerability is crucial because it addresses the educational gap that often perpetuates inequality. It provides children in challenging situations with the tools and support necessary to have equal opportunities, not only in academics, but also in their personal development and socio-economic future. By intervening at an early stage, these projects can break the cycle of poverty by empowering students with the skills and confidence needed to reach their full potential and contribute positively to society.

We suggest you join us with a scholarship to support the present and future of our childhoods.

You can choose how many students you want to support!


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