Program Details
Ecological Restoration in the Santa Catalina Wetland
This initiative includes biota surveys, periodic maintenance for managing exotic species and planting native species. It has also led to the first archaeological explorations in the area. The restoration work strengthens and expands the university nursery and accompanies educational activities at MAgNA.
Every year, hundreds of primary and secondary school students from different CMR localities, most of them from vulnerable backgrounds, visit Santa Catalina. They engage in interpretative outings through the natural area and are assigned a practical task for the classroom on the biocultural values of Santa Catalina. In addition, MAgNA’s space is a meeting point for discussions, dialogues, and interviews related to the state of Santa Catalina and its biocultural heritage.
This initiative builds on over 20 years of FARN´s work experience in the Matanza-Riachuelo Basin, one of the most polluted basins in the world. Ensuring clean, thriving wetlands in the CMR is essential for fulfilling the 2008 judicial mandate of the Supreme Court of Justice, and safeguarding the human right to a healthy environment).