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FundaciĆ³n Reciduca
FundaciĆ³n Reciduca

Program Details

Employment Service: Your First Job

Reciduca counts with a database of young people certified on job skills who have participated on the training program for 2 years. Having a wide knowledge about the candidates, Reciduca acts as intermediary between companies and young people. We offer candidates pre-selection according to the profile required for the job position, coordination of interviews in the company premises and provide follow-up and assistance to the young candidate and his direct supervisor in the company during the first six months.

In the meantime, the company will have the opportunity to hire notivated young candidates with commitment to work, and will be part of a group of companies involved in Corporate Social Responsibility programs that will grant a leading-edge and prestigious position to the company.

Contact: Cecilia V. Salzmann / Camila Plorutti


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