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Fundación Espartanos
Fundación Espartanos

Fundación Espartanos

We are a non-profit organization that seeks decrease recidivism rate by promoting the integration, socialization and accompaniment of people deprived of their liberty through rugby, education, work and spirituality.

MISSION: Using an integration model, we seek the transformation of people deprived of their liberty, through the practice of rugby, spirituality and education, in order to achieve socio-labor integration.



*Objective: Work along with the Espartanos and Expartanos through mentorship and training to achieve a successful sociolabor insertion once their freedom is regained.
-We provide psychological support to promote better personal and social adaptation to participants; we also offer mentorships to ensure an effective sociolabor insertion.
-We create a space of support, motivation and counseling for the women who accompany the Espartanos during their serving sentence and once their freedom have been granted.
-We promote and facilitate agreements with potential employers that give the Espartanos a second chance.
*Target population: 140 men and women per year.
*Where takes place: Buenos Aires.


*Objective: Promote training and education of the Espartanos, in order to complete their studies and facilitate tools to improve their employability; This way participants can become a positive role model for their environment.
-We monitor schooling and university studies in order to improve the employability conditions of the Espartanos.
-We provide Craft Workshops (such as carpentry, knitting, sewing and hydroponic gardening), so that the Spartans acquire skills that allow them to generate a genuine source of employment.  
*Target population: 1000 men and women per year.
*Where takes place: Buenos Aires.


*Objective: Promote the spirit of continuous improvement in each Espartano through the sport practice; encourage the values ​​of rugby to stimulate the practice of good habits and develop effective techniques for emotional management.
-Encourage teamwork effort through sporting events in order to mitigate differences between players and increase trust among each other.
-Promote values ​​of integrity, passion, solidarity, discipline and respect through sports training in order to improve the bond among the Espartanos.
-Promote spaces of socialization among players so they can establish common objectives, related to good habits, and rules of coexistence to improve their environment.
*Target population: 1000 men and women per year.
*Where takes place: Buenos Aires.


*Objective: Develop a space of introspection and connection with spirituality and religious faith, focusing on forgiveness towards oneself and towards others.
-Praying the Rosary: ​​Every Friday, the Espartanos gather to pray the Rosary and work internally to incorporate values ​​such as tolerance, compassion and forgiveness. This activity allows them to develop their spiritual side  in order to experience a more balanced life, and improve their relationship with their past and prepare them for a better future.
-Yoga Practice: We provide a space that seeks both physical and emotional well-being through the training of  mind and body.
*Target population: 1000 men and women per year.
*Where takes place: Buenos Aires.

Address: Av. Córdoba 1215 - CABA.
Phone: 11-5719-0026.

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  • A Rugby Court to transform lives

    A Rugby Court to transform lives

    Each day, we are closer to having the 3rd Espartanos field so that more people can rewrite their story. Currently, the field at Unit 46 is made of dirt and is used by 158 people participating in the Espartanos program. We have already raised 54% of the funds, but we need a little more to achieve this great goal and double our impact! We need you on the Espartanos team!

    How much would you like to donate in U$S?