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Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia
Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia

Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia

Based in Buenos Aires, the Asociacion Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia - ACIJ (Civil Association for Equality and Justice), was established by a group of young lawyers in 2002 in response to Argentina’s severe economic and political crisis in 2001. ACIJ is unique among Argentine civil society organizations in that our mission combines a strong “institutional agenda” which focuses on fomenting citizen action against corruption and promoting standards of transparency, participation and accountability in our nation’s most important institutions, with a consistent “social agenda” that seeks to guarantee the effective exercise of fundamental rights by the nation’s most marginalized inhabitants, especially the residents of the shantytowns (villas) which have mushroomed around Buenos Aires.

Our mission is to contribute to the strengthening of democratic institutions, promote respect for fundamental rights and work to defend our society’s most vulnerable groups.


- Engage in collaborative efforts to achieve better functioning and greater transparency in public institutions, such as administrative and legislative bodies, courts, regulatory entities and monitoring agencies.
- Promote the enforcement of the National Constitution and effective compliance with the laws that protect disadvantaged groups and struggle for the eradication of laws and practices which discriminate against historically marginalized minority groups.
- Raise awareness among citizens about their basic rights and the channels available for their protection.
- Make proposals for public policy reforms.
- Train professionals from diverse disciplines who are committed to public interest issues.


 Strengthening Democratic Institutions:

Works to contribute to the development and consolidation of public institutions that respect democratic principles. Currently working with the judiciary and state audit institutions, the area strives to improve transparency and accountability practices, generate channels for citizen participation and spaces for articulation between public institutions and civil society.

 Citizen Action and Anti-Corruption:

Works to promote transparency in government institutions and to analyze and advocate for improvements in the judicial system with respect to the investigation, prosecution and punishment of corrupt officials. It supports citizen activism in advocating for the progress of corruption cases and systematizes and disseminates case information to the public.

 Rights and Community Building in Urban Slums:

Works to strengthen the capacity of community organizations and residents of urban slums to exercise the defense of their right to access public services and decent housing, through the use of civic, administrative and legal tools and facilitates coordination between community actors, public authorities and civil society groups.

 Educational Equality:

Works to identify existing problems with inequality in the educational system of the City ofBuenos Aires, formulate proposals to design non-discriminatory educational policies, and use legal and civic tools to promote positive improvements. The program has a particular focus on inclusive education for children with disabilities and socioeconomic inequalities.

 Community Legal Action:

Via the Community Legal Aid Clinic, provides free legal counsel and rights-based and communication training on the individual and collective level to community members in themunicipality of Moreno (Greater Buenos Aires). The program consolidates spaces for dialogue and citizen participation in meeting collective needs and guaranteeing basic rights.

Address: Av. de Mayo 1161
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Telephone11 4381-2371

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