HelpArgentina | 20 years
HelpArgentina celebrated 20 years in the country
In the celebration, 20 awards were given to various social NGOs that in recent years have worked to mitigate the effects of poverty and inequality in the country.
Buenos Aires, April 21, 2022 - HelpArgentina, a non-profit organization, celebrated its 20th anniversary at the Embassy of Uruguay by promoting social investment in the country, creating a reliable and globally funded third sector.
Since 2002, more than 25 million dollars have been donated to more than 250 organizations and social projects in Argentina thanks to the work of HelpArgentina, who advises the international community to identify causes that meet standards of transparency and good practices, providing guarantee on the receipt and destination of funds.
During the celebration, the entity recognized the work of different social leaders representing organizations such as Asociación Civil Conciencia; Monte Adentro Civil Association; Food Bank; Caritas Argentina; COAS; Educate and Grow; Making Way; Arteba Foundation; Spartans Foundation; Germinare Foundation; Hospital de Clínicas Foundation; Fernández Hospital Foundation; Malba Foundation; Art and Culture Fund; Fundación Potenciar Solidario; Tzedaká Foundation; Varkey Foundation; Museum of Modern Art; SACS - Send a child to School and Decent Housing.
HelpArgentina Press Release 20 years